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Measuring Value


Understanding What Customers Want

Every company wants to launch blockbuster products and award winning services. They ask their customers what they would like to see in new (and existing) products and services, but most are not able to get it right. 


Does this sound familiar ?

  • Customers “don’t know what they want”

  • Customers “keep changing their minds”

  • How do we simplify the rationalization and prioritization of customer requests ?

  • How do we reduce the costs and cycle time while

  • How do we measure the value of a product ?

  • How do we know the what price to charge ?


We take the guesswork out of measuring value by introducing a proven discipline for measuring what customers want with precision. We start by understanding the jobs customers are trying to get done and identify the desired outcomes they are trying to achieve along the way.


These desired outcomes are assessed against the delivered outcomes of products and services. The rest is easy. We just need to measure the value gaps and identify ways to close them based on the priority and value impact for the customer.  The process of closing the value gaps incorporates our innovation process that engages product management, customer management, and experts with technology and materials (including R&D where appropriate). 


Once the company can measure value with precision, they can align their communications, marketing, and advertising and guide pricing models to promote the value points and differentiators.  

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The opportunities lie within the gaps between what customers want and what you deliver.

We help clients measure those gaps with precision

White Paper: Enabling Customer Outcomes

Linking Customer Outcomes with Execution

Learn how value measurement is used to capture customer needs and used to inform requirements, which can be traced into the deliverables used by project teams to guide changes to systems and processes.


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