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Service Management


Adaptable Service Delivery

Organizations are shifting toward a service society. Products are being retrofitted with tangible services, which expands their value and increases their ability to adapt to meet customer needs. Every customer interaction now becomes a "Moment of Truth" where organizations can refine and drive service innovation. The amount of data and knowledge continues to increase in volume and complexity at a geometric rate. 


It’s not enough to create services and implement processes. Service Level Management works well in situations when services remain stable and fixed. But, services are constantly changing and adapting so the metrics need to constantly adjust to keep pace. 


We bring deep expertise in design services covering data, information, process, measures, and analytics to help clients:


  • Ensure services address the desired outcomes for customers

  • Design customer journeys to address "Moments of Truth"

  • Increase resiliency and adaptability of services 

  • Integrate data and information between services

  • Design measures to support learning and drive continuous improvement


Service management extends throughout the organization and increasingly in the products and service interactions with customers and stakeholders. Let us help you map and model the journeys so you can manage the increasing pace of complexity. 

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Align strategy with operations 

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Adapt your services to "anticipate" customer needs

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